We specialize in providing a lifeline through essential services such as emergency food access, comprehensive support referrals, and personalized assistance, all aimed at fostering resilience and self-sufficiency within our community.
Food Pantry
Monday-Friday 10:00am-4:00pm
**Bring an ID and piece of mail less than 30 days old EVERY time you come**
Kids’ Foundation Vouchers
The Kids’ Foundation offers financial assistance for 0-17 low-income eligible youth interested in participating in Rantoul Recreation Department and Rantoul Park District youth programs.
Clothing Center Referrals
Mondays 7:00-8:00 PM & Wednesdays 3:00 – 4:30 PM. Visits are limited to once every 30 days. You are limited to three outfits per person for each visit.
- Limited Utility & Prescription Assistance
- Information and Referrals for Other Area Resources
- Fax and Copy for Minimal Fee Notary (free)
- Holiday Bureau
- Eagle’s Nest HS Food Pantry
- Ride United
- After Hours Food Pantry
Links to Other Services
General Resources:

Community Service Center Resource Guide
Dial 211 on your phone to reach the social service helpline — the call is free.
Department of Human Services
Online resource for DHS programs including Childcare, SNAP, TANF, WIC, and Cash assistance.

Agencies Serving Rantoul
Aging in Place
Resources for seniors about finances, mobility and transportation, in-home care, and more. For an interesting article about how hunger impacts the aging community, go here!
ABE (Application for Benefits Eligibility)
Sign up for SNAP, Medical, and Cash Assistance with one online application.
DHS Forms
Looking for a DHS form? Search their site for redetermination, change of address or other forms.
State Program Forms
Forms for Illinois Programs from All Kids to Voter Registration.
Rental Assistance Form- RPC Rental Assistance form is available to pickup in the office.